EMS Levy Renewal

EMS Levy Renewal Approved

We would like to thank community members for their support of our EMS levy renewal in the November 8 General Election.

The EMS renewal is important because 80 percent of all calls are for medical emergencies. Because of your support, we can continue to provide the highest level and quality of emergency medical care available with skilled paramedics 24 hours a day. We will also continue to fund ambulance transport costs for fire district residents.

The EMS renewal is part of a multipronged approach to meeting the level and quality of service our growing community requires. In August, voters approved a capital facilities bond to renovate fire stations to better serve the community and improve the health and safety of our firefighters. Next year, we will ask voters to renew our fire levy. Like the EMS levy renewal, the fire levy is not a new tax and must be renewed by voters every six years.

We recognize these are big investments for any community – and we appreciate your ongoing consideration and support.

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